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Shenzhen Hongyuan video Co., Ltd.
Address: 4888 Shanghai Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen Zip code: 518000
Fax 0755 -58,141,234
Office of the President, the Ministry of Personnel Administration Department: office@honunsxun.com
Call Center: kefu@honunsxun.com
Marketing: marketing@honunsxun.com

Service Hotline:
Shenzhen Headquarters Tel :0755 -58144888
Free service quoted line 800 -820-5868


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深圳宏远视讯科技有限公司    传真:0755-89504610 电话:0755-58144888 邮编:518000  

地址:深圳市福田区华强北太平洋安防市场4B427-428 4B431-432  

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